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Sales Package 1 Speaker, Instruction Manual, Reference Guide, USB CableView More... Speaker; USB Cable; Warranty card; Quick Start Guide 
Model Name SRS-XB01  S6500 
Type Mobile/Tablet Speaker  Mobile/Tablet Speaker 
Portable Yes Yes
Bluetooth Yes Yes
Memory Card Slot No  No 
Configuration Mono  2.1 
Power Source USB Cable  Battery 
Power Output (RMS) 2 W 
Frequency Response 20 - 20000 Hz  200 Hz to 12 kHz 
Impedance 4  2 
Color Blue  Black 
Wired/Wireless Wireless 
Built-in Fm Radio No 
Product Details
Configuration Mono Channel  2.1 Channel 
Battery Capacity 800 mAh 
Headphone Jack Yes
Battery Use Time 6 hrs 
Width 12 cm  10.5 cm 
Height 16.5 cm  13 cm 
Depth 6.5 cm  9.5 cm 
Warranty Service Type Carry In 
Warranty Summary 1 Year Warranty 
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing defects 
Not Covered in Warranty Physical Damage 
Domestic Warranty 1 Year 
International Warranty 1 Year 
Other Details
Other Features Speaker with Bluetooth wireless connectivity and 3.5mm auView More...
Audio Features
Other Audio Features Extra Bass 
Maximum Output RMS Center Satellite 2 W 

Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker VS HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker Comparison

Before you buy Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker or HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker VS HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker, so you can grab the better speaker for you.

We have compared several audio systems but HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker VS Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker and HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker?

Look at the price difference of Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker VS HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker.

Find out the main spec details difference between HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker and Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Sony XB01 Bluetooth Speaker and HP S6500 2W Bluetooth Speaker.

Look at the brands behind these two bluetooth speakers. Check out best selling bluetooth speakers in India.