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Model Name Aroma Swirl 
Steam Nozzle No  No 
Illuminated On Off Switch Yes Yes
Hot Plate Yes Yes
Sales Package 1 Coffee Maker, Carafe Jar  Coffee Maker, Glass Jug 
Frother No 
Brew Strength Control No 
Removable Drip Tray No 
Anti-drip Valve Yes
Product Details
Brewing Time 5  10 
Filter Type Advanced Mesh Filter  Drip Filter 
Removable Filter Yes Yes
Filter Material Food Grade Plastic  Stainless Steel 
Power Requirement AC 220 - 240 V, 50 Hz  220 - 240 
Cord Length 0.8 m  0.85 m 
Heat Resistant Lid Yes Yes
Other Features Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz, Coffee Jug Type: Glas Aroma Jug, MView More...
Width 20.4 cm  21 cm 
Height 25.8 cm  27 cm 
Depth 15.4 cm  17.2 cm 
Weight 1.11 kg 
Service Type Contact Customer Care Details on Warranty Card  On site service 
Warranty Summary 2 Years Warranty  2 Years Philips warranty 
Covered In Warranty Manufacturing defects  Element 
Not Covered In Warranty Breakage of Carafe Jar while Usage Damage on Body, Dents View More... Breakage 

Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker VS Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker Comparison

Before you buy Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker or Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker VS Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker, so you can grab the better one for you.

We have compared several kitchen appliances but Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker VS Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker and Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker?

Look at the price difference of Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker VS Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker.

Find out the main spec details difference between Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker and Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Pigeon Modern Cucina Coffee Maker and Philips HD7431 Coffee Maker.

Look at the brands behind these two coffee makers. Check out best selling coffee makers in India.