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Flipkart Rs. 449 Rs. 499 NA




Sales Package Main unit, User Manual  1 
Power Requirement 220 V  240 
Universal Voltage Yes Yes
Swivel Cord Yes No 
Plate Size 35 (W) x 85 (L) mm 
Coating Ceramic  Ceramic 
Indicator LED  Led Light 
Automatic Shut Off Yes No 
Digital Display No  No 
Number of Temperature Settings 4 
Floating Plates Yes
Technology Used Pro Shine  Thermo Balance 
Power Source AC Power  AC 
Cord Length 1.8  1.6 
Weight 350  349 
Width 12 
Height 26 
Diameter 30mm 
Warranty Summary 1 Year Warranty  - 
Warranty Service Type Customer needs to call on 888 06632 91 or mail us on custView More... 1 Year Kemei India Warranty 
Covered in Warranty Warranty of the product is limited to manufacturing defecView More... Manufacturing Defects 
Not Covered in Warranty Warranty of the product does not cover any external damagView More... NA 
Domestic Warranty 1 Year 
International Warranty 1 Year 

Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener VS Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener Comparison

Before you buy Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener or Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener VS Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener, so you can grab the better straightener for you.

We have compared several hair straighteners but Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener VS Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener and Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener?

Look at the price difference of Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener VS Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener.

Find out the main spec details difference between Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener and Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Nova NHS 840 Hair Straightener and Kemei KM 329 Hair Straightener.

Look at the brands behind these two hair straighteners. Check out best selling hair straighteners in India.