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In the Box
In the Box 1  Inverter 
Brand Luminous  Su-Kam 
Model Number Zolt 1100  Brainy ECO 1100 
Battery Included No  No 
Back Up Time 2 hrs  2.5 hrs 
Load Options 1 LED TV 40",3 LED BULB 9W,2 LED TUBELIGHT 18W,3 FAN,1 FrView More...
Type Pure Sine Wave Inverter  Pure Sine Wave Inverter 
Solar Power Compatible No  Yes
Material UPS 
Output Features
Efficiency 94.1 %  80 % 
Output Voltage 220V-230V  21 
Output Frequency 50 Hz +/-2Hz  Sine wave commercial UPS 
Input Features
Input Voltage 110V-265V  21 
Input Frequency 50 Hz +/-2Hz  - 
Width 30 cm  31.1 cm 
Height 15 cm  12.8 cm 
Depth 20 cm  30 cm 
Weight 10 kg  11.6 kg 
Warranty Summary 2 Years Warranty By Luminous  - 
Service Type On-Site Service by Luminous  On-Site 
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defects  - 
Not Covered in Warranty Damaged due to Mis-use/Mis-handling  Breakage Warranty 
Battery Features
Recharge Time
Convenience Features
Emergency Power Off Yes
USB Charging Port Yes

Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter VS Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter Comparison

Before you buy Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter or Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter VS Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter, so you can grab the better inverter for you.

We have compared several home appliances but Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter VS Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter and Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter?

Look at the price difference of Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter VS Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter.

Find out the main spec details difference between Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter and Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Luminous Zolt 1100 Inverter and Su-Kam Brainy Eco 1100 Inverter.

Look at the brands behind these two inverters. Check out best selling inverters in India.