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Flipkart Rs. 844 Rs. 385 NA




Sales Package Pendrive  one pendrive 
Model Name USM32GR/W// USM32GR/W2// USM32GR/WZ  USM32MX/S//USM32MX/S IN 31302054 
Opening Mechanism Retractable 
Weight 9 g 
Supported OS Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP3 or later), Mac View More...
Warranty Summary 2 year sony India warranty 
Domestic Warranty 2 Year 
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defect 
Warranty Service Type Service Centre 
Not Covered in Warranty Broken Pendrive 

Sony USM32GR 32GB VS Sony USM32MX 32GB Comparison

Before you buy Sony USM32GR 32GB or Sony USM32MX 32GB, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Sony USM32GR 32GB VS Sony USM32MX 32GB, so you can grab the better one for you.

We have compared several computer accessories but Sony USM32MX 32GB VS Sony USM32GR 32GB comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Sony USM32GR 32GB and Sony USM32MX 32GB?

Look at the price difference of Sony USM32GR 32GB VS Sony USM32MX 32GB.

Find out the main spec details difference between Sony USM32MX 32GB and Sony USM32GR 32GB.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Sony USM32GR 32GB and Sony USM32MX 32GB.

Look at the brands behind these two pen drives. Check out best selling pen drives in India.