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Sales Package Power Bank, Data Cable, User Manual, Warranty Card  1 Power Bank, 1 USB Cable, 1 User Manual, 1 Warranty CardView More...
Suitable Device Mobile  Mobile 
Number of Output Ports 2 
Charging Cable Included Yes Yes
Power Supply 5 V / 2 A 
Output Power 5 V/2.1 A, 5 V/1 A  5V/2.1A 
Other Features Life Cycle: 500 Times, Plug and Play, LED Indicator 
Width 64 mm  62 mm 
Height 140 mm  144 mm 
Depth 22 mm  21 mm 
Weight 280 g  300 g 
Warranty Summary 1 Year Warranty  1 Year manufacturer domestic warranty. 
Warranty Service Type Carry In  Customer needs to visit the nearest service center. 
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defects  Only manufacture default cover in warranty. 
Not Covered in Warranty Physical Damage  Physically damage not cover in warranty. 
Domestic Warranty 1 Year  1 Year 

Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank VS Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank Comparison

Before you buy Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank or Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank VS Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank, so you can grab the better one for you.

We have compared several powerbanks but Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank VS Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank and Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank?

Look at the price difference of Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank VS Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank.

Find out the main spec details difference between Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank and Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Intex IT-PB13K 13000 mAh Power Bank and Ambrane P-1122 10000 mAh Power Bank.

Look at the brands behind these two power banks. Check out best selling power banks in India.