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Type Range Extenders/Repeaters  Wireless Without Modem 
Model EX3110  TL-WR941HP 
Controls Wireless On/Off Button, RE Button, WPS Button, Reset ButtView More...
In The Box 1 Router  450Mbps Wireless N High Power Router, RJ45 Ethernet CableView More...
Brand Netgear  TP-Link 
Color White  Black 
Operating Conditions
Operating Humidity 10%~90% non-condensing 
Temperature 0-40 degree C 
Power Supply 12VDC / 1.5A 
System Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10/8.1/8/7, XP, MAC OS, NetWare, UNIX oView More...
Network Features
Frequency 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz  2.4 GHz 
Frequency Band Dual Band  Tri Band 
Wireless Speed 750 Mbps  450 Mbps 
LAN/WAN 10/100 
Antennae Internal  External 
Number of LAN ports 4 
Number of WAN ports 1 
Number of USB Ports
Number of Antennae 3 
Antennae Capacity 3*9dBi 
LAN RJ-45 
Additional Features
Certification CE, FCC, RoHS, NCC, BSMI 
Weight 1160 g 
Service Type Get Support from the Brand Over Phone and Email Toll FreeView More... Carry-In .Support Toll Free Number - 1800 209 4168 .EmailView More...
Covered in Warranty Manufacturing Defects  Warranty Of The Product Is Limited To Manufacturing DefecView More...
Not Covered in Warranty Electrical Burnouts and Physical Damages  Burnt and Physical Damage 
Warranty Summary 2 Years National Warranty  3 Years Warranty 

Netgear EX3110 Router VS TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router Comparison

Before you buy Netgear EX3110 Router or TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Netgear EX3110 Router VS TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router, so you can grab the better product for you.

We have compared several routers but TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router VS Netgear EX3110 Router comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Netgear EX3110 Router and TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router?

Look at the price difference of Netgear EX3110 Router VS TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router.

Find out the main spec details difference between TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router and Netgear EX3110 Router.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Netgear EX3110 Router and TP-Link TL-WR941HP Router.

Look at the brands behind these two routers. Check out best selling routers in India.