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In The Box
In The Box trimmer  Main Unit, 2 Attachments, 1 Rechargeable Battery, Pouch, View More...
Brand Nova  Nova 
Model Number NHT 1046/01  NHT 1055 B 
Type Cordless  Cordless 
Blade Material Stainless Steel  Stainless Steel 
Body Material Fiber  Plastic 
Color Orange  Blue 
Trimming Range 0.25 - 9 mm  0.25 - 9 mm 
Water Resistant Yes Yes
Washable Head Yes Yes
Features Adjustable Trimming Range, Rechargeable, Easy to Clean, DView More... Rechargeable, Easy to Clean 
Suitable For Beard & Moustache, Body Grooming  Body Grooming, Beard & Moustache 
Length Adjustments 4  4 
Charging Time 8 hr 
Power Features
Power Source 220  Rechargeable Battery 
Battery Type recharbeable  Lithium Battery 
Battery Run Time 40 min  45 min 
Power Requirement 220 
Power Consumption 3 W 
Number of Batteries 1 
Batteries Included Yes
Dimensional Features
Width 10 cm  12 mm 
Height 8 cm  10 mm 
Weight 350 g  296 g 
Service Type 1  On-site Service. Customer needs to call the nearby AuthorView More...
Covered in Warranty warranty of the product is limited to manufacturing defecView More... Warranty of the product is limited to manufacturing defecView More...
Not Covered in Warranty breakage and mishandling  Warranty does not cover any external accessories , damageView More...
Warranty Summary 1  1 Year Nova India Warranty 
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Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer VS Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer Comparison

Before you buy Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer or Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer VS Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer, so you can grab the better trimmer for you.

We have compared several trimmers but Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer VS Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer and Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer?

Look at the price difference of Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer VS Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer.

Find out the main spec details difference between Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer and Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Nova NHT 1046 Trimmer and Nova NHT 1055 B Trimmer.

Look at the brands behind these two trimmers. Check out best selling trimmers in India.