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In The Box
In The Box Main Unit, Nozzle, Operating Instruction Manual, WarrantyView More... Hair Dryer, Warranty Card, User Manual 
Brand Panasonic  Syska 
Model Number EH-ND12-P62B  HD1610 
Color Pink  White 
Model Name HD1610-White 
Number of Speed Settings 3  2 
Number of Heat Settings 3  2 
Number of Attachments
Attachment Types Concentrator 
Nozzle/Concentrator Nozzle 
Cold Air Feature Yes
Technology Used Concentrator technology  2 pre-selected heat & speed setting, over heat protectionView More...
Power Requirements
Power Consumption (Watts) 1000 W  1200 
Power Required (Volts) 220 - 240 V  240V 
Universal Voltage Yes Yes
Convenience Features
Removable Filter No 
Hanging Loop No 
Cord Length 1.8 m  1.6 
Width 6.49 
Height 2.55 
Depth 7.28 
Weight 490 g  336 
Additional Features
Foldable Yes
Warranty 2 Years Panasonic India Warranty and Free Transit InsuranView More...

Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer VS Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer Comparison

Before you buy Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer or Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer VS Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer, so you can grab the better dryer for you.

We have compared several hair dryers but Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer VS Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer and Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer?

Look at the price difference of Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer VS Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer.

Find out the main spec details difference between Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer and Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Panasonic EH ND12 P62B Hair Dryer and Syska HD1610 Hair Dryer.

Look at the brands behind these two hair dryers. Check out best selling hair dryers in India.