We are one of the fastest growing coupons and product price comparison website in India. We are adding new merchants and products on our website almost daily . At CouponMonkey.in our utmost priority is smooth user experience.
We make it very easy for you to find a product and compare it with others. Our goal is to provide the best comparison shopping experience in India, and establish CouponMonkey as the most trusted online destination to make a purchase decision.
Use CouponMonkey to quickly obtain free and unbiased information about cameras, laptops, refrigerator, mobile phones etc. before making a purchase decision.
CouponMonkey empowers the users with maximum information about the products. It has expert review, detailed product specs, features, photos and videos to help online shoppers take informed buying decisions.
Our mission is to create online shopping experience like never before and provide unbiased information about products and prices.
You get the best online deals, discounted coupons on all major products with a complete price comparison website in India for Indian buyers.
This is a best innovative solution to experience the most excellent online experience. We are growing rapidly to make your online buy much smarter.
To avail the better result we are collaborating with various online honchos. We are trying to foresee the future and offer the latest before its evolution.
CouponMonkey also sells clay handicrafts at https://shop.couponmonkey.in
Authentic through our expertise.
Connected through meaningful relationships with our partners & users.
Maintaining trustworthiness with all parties.
Passionate about enriching user’s experiences.
We survive on affiliate commissions and display ads revenue.
No, we don’t and we don’t want to do that. Because, there is high chance that accepting free samples can make us biased which we are very afraid of. We want to stay unbiased and do justice to our website readers as best as we can.
No, we don’t accept money or any form of incentives from product brands to review. We are completely unbiased.
No. We evaluate each product carefully and give marks accordingly. We are independently owned. The product selections and thoughts expressed on this site are our own. Our Product selections are not influenced by the manufacturers or online retailers.
We host this website at Digital Ocean.
Mita Mondal
Mita Mondal is one of the founding members of CouponMonkey, a mother of two little kids. As a typical mother, she spends most of her time taking care of kids and husband besides providing precise advice to the team. She stays far away from social media.
Puja Banerjee
Puja Banerjee is a technical writer responsible for showcasing list of best products at CouponMonkey blog section. She likes to sleep when she has no assignments. She is tired of fake social media news some times.
Dominic Joseph
Dominic Joseph is also a technical writer responsible for showcasing a list of best products at CouponMonkey blog section. He is still finding answers for his only question, if social media has more positive influence than negative on our daily lives.
Santanu Pal, a Masters Degree holder in English Language. He has been working as technical writer at CouponMonkey since 2019 and has expertise in the home & kitchen section. He likes to watch Shahrukh Khan movies on his cell phone when there are no work assignments. This guy loves spending time on social media.
Soudipto Pal Chowdhury is a freelance technical writer at couponmonkey.in expertising in computers, and related equipment, smartphones and cameras. Currently he is pursuing BA-LLB beside writing for us. He does not have much free time due to his studies but still spends some time on social media..
Abhijit Chowdhury
Having several years of experience in content writing, both in technical and non-technical variants, for different content firms, albeit small, like SSL Writers and RK Infotech, I am Abhijit Roychowdhury with a Bachelor Degree in Commerce, expertise on computers and electronics. This is a pure family man without social network accounts.