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In The Box
Sales Package Iron, User Manual  Iron, User Manual, Warranty Card 
Brand Usha  Philips 
Model Electric 3302  HI114 
Type Dry  Dry 
Color White  White 
Part Number HI114 
Soleplate type Teflon Non Stick Coated, Three Layers of Coating  Golden American Heritage 
Comfort Features
Temperature Control Yes Yes
Indicator Light Yes
Spray No 
Steam Burst No  No 
Cordless No  Yes
Other Comfort Features 15 g/min Continuous Steam Output 
Power Supply
Power Consumption 1100 W  1000 W 
Power Input 220 - 240 V  240 V 
Height 12 cm 
Width 11 cm 
Depth 26 cm 
Weight 0.9 kg 
Service Type Customer needs to carry the product to the nearby AuthoriView More...
Warranty Type Within warranty period, Philips Authorized Service CenterView More...
Warranty Summary 2 Years Manufacturer Warranty 
Covered In Warranty Parts and Labor 
Not Covered In Warranty Warranty shall not cover any damage resulting from adaptaView More...
Domestic Term 2 Years 

Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron VS Philips HI114 Dry Iron Comparison

Before you buy Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron or Philips HI114 Dry Iron, it is always smart to look at the main differences between these two.

Therefore, we are presenting complete specs' comparison of Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron VS Philips HI114 Dry Iron, so you can grab the better iron for you.

We have compared several electric irons but Philips HI114 Dry Iron VS Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron comparison stands apart in this category.

How to Choose Best Value for Money Between Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron and Philips HI114 Dry Iron?

Look at the price difference of Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron VS Philips HI114 Dry Iron.

Find out the main spec details difference between Philips HI114 Dry Iron and Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron.

Read the real user reviews at merchant site for Usha EI 3302 Dry Iron and Philips HI114 Dry Iron.

Look at the brands behind these two irons. Check out best selling electric irons in India.